LHT Update: We Are Fully Operational and Ready to Serve You


We wanted to take a moment to address the recent global computer outage affecting many organizations’ ability to deliver services as usual.

We are pleased to inform you that LHT is not experiencing any issues. Our systems are fully operational, and we are here and ready to assist you with all your fuel needs.

Your satisfaction and uninterrupted service are our top priorities. If you have any questions or if we can assist you in any other way, please do not hesitate to reach out. Our team is prepared and available to provide the support you need.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership with LHT.

Brad Neff, Vice President Wholesale Operations: bneff@lhtterminals.com

Kevin Beatty, Director of Product Quality: kbeatty@lhtterminals.com

Chris Williard, Wholesale Account Manager: cwilliard@lhtterminals.com

Let’s talk